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Exploring the Magical Nature of Kenya : Tourism and Travel Guide.

Kenya offers a unique glimpse into the wonders of the natural world and the mystical traditions of the people because of it’s stunning national parks to it’s vibrant cities.

  1. Wildlife safaris : One of the most legendary sites in Kenya is the Maasai Mara National reserve which is located in the South-western part of Kenya.This vast savannah is home to many wild animals which are the greatest attraction to visitors since it’s where the great migration of millions of wildbeasts,zebras and gazelles take place.Witnessing this extraordinary event is truly a magical experience that leaves the visitors in awe of the power and beauty of the magical nature of Kenya.The  reserve being the best reserve to observe cheetahs in Africa and it’s more compact size high wildlife densities also makes Kenya’s safari special  than other  African countries reserves as it is globally renowned for its wildlife with approximately 25 percent of Kenya’s overall population .The reserve has it’s best spot which is located in the central and eastern region of the main reserve, where most visitors like and prefer because of their proximity to Nairobi.
  2. Diverse birdlife in the beautiful lake Naivasha: Kenya is also known for its diverse birdlife with over 5000 species found across the country. The Great Rift Valley acts as a birdwatchers paradise, offering the best view to view the beautiful flamingos, pelicans,eagles and also many other colourful and beautiful bird species in the region.The sight of thousands of flamingos flocking together is truly a magical site that one can’t miss while touring Kenya.Aside from the beautiful flamingos in the popular lake Naivasha, visitors also enjoy the boat riding safari that takes place within the lake Naivasha as they enjoy viewing the many hippos located in the lake.Apart from the beautiful flamingos,birds and hippos, tourists also enjoy the view of other animal species to be spotted around the lake.
  3. Adventure activities: Kenya  has very magical regions that act as adventure sites where visitors can have there fun activities there.Places such as Hells Gate, which is located at South of lake Naivasha, contains a spectacular scenery which attracts visitors in a special way.The region contains sceneries such as water-gouged gorges,stark rock towers,scrub clad volcanoes and belching plumes of geothermal steam which make it one of the most atmospheric parks in Africa.
  4. Rich cultural heritage:Kenya has a rich cultural heritage making it act as a melting pot of cultures and traditions,each with its own myth and rituals.The Maasai people, who are known for their folklore and close connection to nature conduct their traditional ceremonies such as warrior dances which transports one into a world of mysticism,brings joy to visitors.Also the tangible culture such as the coastal monuments are legendary.Kenya is a magical country that consists of hidden gems that attract visitors.
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