
Independent Wanderlust: Navigating Solo Travel with Expert Tips

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That said, one can decide to visit as a group or as an individual. In this case, we are going into delve into the dos’ and don’ts for a solo tourist. Recline back your seat, take a breath as I take you through this journey: – with your permission of course.

The DO’s:

  1. Be in the Know. Conduct a thorough research of your destination.

Akin to any project, investment or new venture, you will be required to be as much informed of your preferred destination as much as possible. This will include the Visa requirements, travel time, accommodation, their food, national security, the culture of the inhabitants at your destination, their salutation, language, local currency, mannerism and ethics, religious believes among others. This will come in handy, as it will unlock most of the challenges that one is likely to meet, especially if you are a first time visitor. You don’t want to find yourself stranded at the airport in a foreign land, unable to make calls or even conduct a transaction.

  1. Safety

New spaces come with new challenges. As a stranger, what you consider a norm back home, may be something totally different in another part of the world. Considering the rising cases of crime and scamming world over, caution will be required. You might need to exercise a high degree of vigilance especially in public spaces like downtown streets,clubs,train/bus stations, markets and so forth, since it is easy to be dragged,mugged,snatched of your valuables or even finding yourself at the middle of a street fight of which you have no idea about! Remember that you are on your own.

  1. Flexi up to adventure

As introverted as you consider yourself to be, you are going to find it important engaging or opening up to a conversation with people you have never met before in your life. It could be that waiter or bar attendant, your tour guide, that in-house karaoke singer, a local patron among others. This will afford you more insights into your surroundings. Be adventurous, let the spirit free. That is part of fun! Or how else can one indulge in fun in solitude as a tourist?

The Don’ts 

  1. Luggage

Avoid overburdening yourself with heavy luggage. Ferrying unnecessary stuff such as sanitary items which are readily available at a small fee in your destination. (Not unless it’s a bush/jungle visit) adds no value at all, if any.

  1. Communication

While everyone is entitled to their opinions and freedom of speech, it is advisable that as a visitor you restrain yourself from that. Topics around religion and politics demands that one threads carefully since they are emotive in nature. You are much safer listening to, than actively engaging in them. Don’t be comfortable. Avoiding giving negative comments with regards to the existing culture of your host destination too, since no culture is superior to the other.

  1. Food

While it is exciting to try out new cuisines, pay attention to what you eat. As they say, one man’s meat can easily turn out to be another man’s poison. Try as much as you can to remain authentic. Explore with caution.

  1. Finances

Try as much as you can to have sufficient funds for any eventualities like illness, arrest, damages and so forth. Be frugal in your spending.

  1. Mannerism 

Conduct yourself in ways that abide by the laws of your host nation or state. Engaging in activities that are prohibited in your host destination can lead to your arrest. I guess you don’t want that.

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